Hello there!

I am experimenting with notion + super to build my new website. Check it our here.


[01/2021]     Started as a Research Assistant at the Architecture & Artificial Intelligence Lab (AR2IL)
[09/2020]     Paper with Naman Gandhi, Arushi Arora & Nilesh Kadam accepted at ICMLA 2020!
[06/2020]     Spending summer at at Intvo Inc as Computer Vision Engineer Intern
[09/2019]     Started as a Masters student at the University of Michigan!


DeepGamble: Towards unlocking real-time player intelligence using multi-layer instance segmentation and attribute detection
Danish Syed*, Naman Gandhi*, Arushi Arora* and Nilesh Kadam
[* indicates equal contribution]
ICMLA 2020
[arXiv] [project]


EECS 442: Computer Vision (Winter 2021)
GSI with Justin Johnson & David Fouhey
EECS 598: Deep Learning for Computer Vision (Fall 2020)
GSI with Justin Johnson

Deepdesign: Architecture & 3D Neural Networks (Summer 2020)
Instructor with Matias del Campo & Sandra Manninger
Arch 662: Architecture & Artificial Intelligence (Winter 2020)
TA with Matias del Campo & Sandra Manninger